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GTA 5 mods are able to give you a completely new style, look or add an extra layer of fun to an already familiar game. You can get super realistic graphics, super powers, zombies and completely new gameplay angles, such as new interiors or going to jail. You can create a completely new game with the right GTA5 mods.

Obviously in terms of mod there’s a lot of things you can try in GTA 5. You might need some guidance if you are new to the mod or overwhelmed by all of the options. This GTA 5 mod guide will show you which mods to install and how to download them. These mods will enrich your Grand Theft Auto 5 experience by making it prettier, more exciting, and even more fun.

How to install GTA5 mods on a PC

You’re likely looking for instructions on how to install mods on GTA 5 PC. This step-by-step guide will help you install mods once you have downloaded them.

It’s not as easy as just copying and pasting downloaded files to install GTA 5 mods for PC. You will need two tools to start: Script Hook VAndGTAV LUA Plugin. We’ll begin with Script Hook V.

How to install script hook V for GTA 5.

Download Script Hook V and open the .zip folder.
Copy ScriptHookV.dll into the parent GTAV folder.
If you’re playing the game through Steam, this can be found in \SteamApps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\.
Unfortunately, Script Hook V isn’t yet compatible with Epic Games’ version. We’ll update the guide if it does. Until then, you can still use vanilla gtacache mods .
You can do the same thing with NativeTrainer.asi and dsound.dll. Asi Loader allows you to launch the.asi plug-ins. Native Trainer lets you access cheats such as teleportation and super jump.
How to install the GTAV LUA plugin:

Download the GTAV LUA Plugin and open the .zip folder.
Copy the LUA.asi and’scripts folders to the same folder as before.
You will need to place LUA files you have downloaded in the future into a mod’s ‘addins folder’.
Installing the mods is easy. Just copy the files to the main GTA 5 folder. Continue reading to see our 25 top GTA 5 mods for PC in no particular order.

1. Give me your valuables, and please put your hands up!

Mod: Home Invasion

Although you can rob shops with ease, it is not possible to rob someone’s home in GTA 5. Until now. You can invade certain homes by using the Home Invasion mod. This allows you to stealthily enter or with guns blazing and then rob the residents. There are seven house types to choose from, including mansions.

2. Welcome to L.A.

(Image credit: Rockstar Games)

Mod: Real California Architecture

Los Santos is a wonderful place. While some areas may be inspired by real-world places, it’s impossible to deny that it is a fictional city. Real California Architecture mod add-on aims to change this. It includes countless real-world additions such as the Hollywood Sign, Hollywood Wax Museum and Compton City Hall.

3. Turn Los Santos into a photorealistic gangster’s paradise

Mod:NaturalVision Remastered

It’s impossible to talk about GTA5 mods without paying tribute to all those coders who tirelessly try to make Los Santos as beautiful as possible. GTA 5 has hundreds of graphics enhancement options, but NaturalVision Remastered is the most powerful when it comes to pure “phwoar power”.

The mod offers 4K resolutions, a complete overhaul to Rockstar’s original aesthetic and was created “to make GTA 5 visually similar to Southern California in actual life.” NaturalVision takes Los Santos beyond the realm of uncanny valley to a level that redefines what it means for a photorealistic image.

4. Become Iron Man

Mod:Script Hook V Man Script 2.0

Iron Man said, “I am Iron Man”, and you can too if this mod is installed on your GTA 5 save. The mod will hook you up with an Iron Man suit that is fully functional, with boost thrusters and repulsor beams. It also has that satisfying “eeeeyoooooooop” blaster sound that Marvel fans are familiar with.

It can be customized with different versions, including the Hulkbuster armour which swaps agility for strength. Tony Stark would be proud.

5. 5.


Mod:Vice Cry: Remastered

GTA: Vice City is a favorite of many players, but even with the new versions released by Rockstar, it still looks a bit outdated in 2020. Vice Cry: Vice City: Remastered is a port of Vice Cry Mod for Vice City that gives Miami a stunning makeover with sparkling sunsets and rippling water.

There are many missions that will help you get the job done. This mission is worth the effort to put on a Hawaiian shirt, and travel back to the 1980s to see.

6. Imagine you are Blade Runner in a neon-soaked Los Santos

Mod:Intensity ENB

Blade Runner 2049 has been and gone, and we’re still a ways off from CD Projekt Red’s open world Cyberpunk 2077, but you can at least enjoy Grand Theft Auto 2013 by dressing it up in a neon aesthetic with this visual mod.

Intensity ENB increases the contrast between colours by 11 giving Los Santos this mysterious, miasmic feel, especially in a rainy environment. You’ll feel as though you’re in a J.J. Abrams film, or a cyberpunk movie.