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Cardarine and Bodybuilding – What are the Impacts? Enclomiphene Citrate Post Cycle Therapy (PCT): All You Need to Know

Cardarine is one of those bodybuilding supplements always in talks because of its benefits and impacts on the athletic body. It has an impressive ability to burn fat while enhancing overall performance, which has made everyone wonder what is Cardarine and how we can make the most of it.

That being said, this article will cover information about Cardarine, its benefits on a bodybuilder’s journey, and its dosage.

Do SARMs include Cardarine?

Cardarine (GW501516) is a man-made compound regulating your body’s metabolism. Though it is often referred to as SARM, it is actually a PPAR-delta receptor agonist.

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta (PPAR-delta) are the drugs that bind with specific brain hormones and mimic the activity of neurotransmitters to generate biological responses. Thus, Cardarine causes a biological response, thereby resulting in increased energy production that leads to a boost in metabolism and burn fat.

On the other hand, SARMs are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators that target specific androgen receptors and control the powerhouse of cells to produce more energy. So, Cardarine is not a SARM.

Cardarine Benefits

There are numerous benefits associated with Cardarine, but the two major benefits are enhancement in sports performance and boosting the weight loss mechanism. These benefits are discussed in detail in the section below:

·         Enhanced Sports Performance

It is evident from the performance of several athletes that Cardarine is the reason behind their improved sports performance. The reasons why athletes start using Cardarine are:

  1. To increase endurance in their performance (800m race, cycling, race walking)
  2. To make weight for fights (wrestling, MMA, boxing, etc)

Cardarine controls how your body utilizes oxygen, thereby making you more powerful and preparing you for more intense workouts. This is very beneficial for bodybuilders, as it allows them to train more and perform better.

Furthermore, Cardarine can also improve performance in any sport that requires aerobic endurance. However, only one study on mice shows that Cardarine improves the body’s endurance levels.

·         Increased Weight Loss

If you are not a bodybuilder or a professional athlete, chances are you are interested in weight loss, which is why you have started looking for Cardarine supplements. According to the researchers, Cardarine helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and improve fat utilization in the body.

Luckily, bodybuilders and the athletic community have consumed Cardarine for longer periods, which has indicated its benefits in losing body fat. Though the impact of Cardarine as a fat burner is not as high as that of other drugs, it is comparatively safe and easy to use.

Cardarine Dosage

According to bodybuilders and athletes, the ideal dosage for Cardarine is 20 mg. Still, beginners and fitness lovers may start from 10 mg and gradually increase the dosage over time.

The Cardarine cycle can take 1-3 months, depending on your body’s requirements and goals. However, it is said that the cycle must not exceed more than 12 weeks.

Final Words

Previously, Cardarine was considered as a supplement that helps improve stamina and endurance. However, thanks to the latest research, it also aids in burning calories quicker during workout sessions, and the impact multiplies when combined with the calorie-deficit diet.

Still, there is a lack of studies signifying Cardarine’s benefits. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult with your fitness professional to analyze whether Cardarine suits your needs or not.